Thursday, February 12, 2015

It's 20-Time AGAIN! Yay!

It's a new school year, and yes, I'm attempting the 20-Time project again with my juniors. I can't wait to see the new goals, projects, successes and failures the second time around!

This year, though, I am going to attempt my own 20-Time endeavor. It's a personal one. I am going to work on being a better parent. Yes, I have two wonderful children, Edju and Emma, and they are the joy in my life, but our days have gotten harder. Trying to balance work and life has its challenges and oftentimes my home life can be chaotic: yelling, sibling fist fights, crying, whining, struggles at dinnertime, bedtime, toothbrushing, bathing, potty-training, etc. It can be overwhelming, and I need to figure out how to improve our lives as a family. Family the most important thing in the world to me.

So, what's my plan? I definitely need to read, research, and seek out help from experts on what I can do to improve this area of my life. I plan on first looking up reviews for parenting books, actually finding a book to read, and then seeing what's out the web. Each 20-Time I will focus on different troublesome area of parenting, and I'll watch YouTube videos, read articles, and/or even attempt to find some family counseling. Like many of my students, I just don't have enough time. This 20-Time will be my chance. It will also be a model for my students.

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