Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Pitch Part II

Thanks so much for the feedback on my first post about The Pitch. If you didn't get a chance to read over what it is, please read it the previous post.

However, since last week The Pitch assignment has really gotten more fine-tuned. Here is what the plan is at this point:

1) PARTNERSHIP:  We will be partnering with Ms. Bonotto's Spanish III class, who are also participating in 20-Time. Overall 63 students will be presenting their 20-Time Projects.

2) VENUE: We will be presenting at an outside venue. Here are the places Ms. Bonotto and I have been in contact with: Grace A Dow Library (mezzanine = unavailable), Dow Diamond, Whiting Forest, MCFTA, and others. We are considering the Farmer's Market location downtown as well. We are waiting to hear back from our contacts on availability and costs.

3) DATE: This is still up in the air; however, according to your info the later in May the better. At this point the official date is Tuesday, May 13th. This seems to be the only date so far without any major conflict. We are also consulting the master calendar about the next week: May 19th through the 22nd.

4) TIME: This event will be held in the evening so that parents, community members, fellow students and staff can attend. We will start at 6:30pm and you will get a chance to present/view other students' work. Invitations will ask "outsiders" to arrive at 7pm. Our event will end at 8pm.

5) INVITATIONS: You will be responsible for designing, producing and distributing invitations to at least 5 other people. An email invitation will go out to parents, administrators and staff. Additionally, there will be an announcement inviting all of the Dow High student body to view presentations. Think about who you would like to personally invite to this event. ONE of your invitations MUST go to your mentor.

6) PRESENTATION DAY: See previous post for requirements on what to bring, say and do. Attendance is required. If you are unable to attend our 20-Time Project Fair, you must have a signed absence excuse form from your parent(s)/guardian(s). You will have to make-up your missed presentation during your lunch time the following week.

7) WHEN to START: Now! Start planning, thinking, and creating. Use your 20-Time class time or use the unfilled homework schedule we have. The majority of the next required text will be read in class to allow you room to work on preparing for this.

A FINAL NOTE: By no means do you have to have a completed project to present!! You may not ever have a completed project, but you will discuss and show your progress, what you have learned, and where you plan to go next.

As with all my blog posts, please feel free to leave comments, questions or suggestions. Thanks!


  1. I like this plan! I was just wondering if our family members were included in the 5 people we had to invite.

  2. So had a great discussion with my 7th hour about who to invite. Here is what I've decided:
    1) Only 1 invitation per household (Example: 2 parents + 3 siblings = 1 invitation)
    2) You may NOT invite me (sorry)
    3) You may NOT invite other classmates in Ms. Hechlik's English class or in Ms. Bonotto's Spanish III class (specifically Obadeh)
    4) You MAY personally invite interested staff members
    5) You MUST invite your mentor(s)
    6) You MAY invite interested friends and relatives
    7) You really shouldn't invite long-distance friends and relatives, who probably won't make it
    8) You MAY want to invite community members who may be interested in your project
    Hope this helps!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ehrmahgawd! This is happening soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fasst.

    I like the Farmer's Market area; I hope it's not dreary on that day. Do we have to dress up? I kind of hope we don't but I know for presentation sake, we probably will. I also kinda don't want to invite my family 'cuz their gonna take embarrassing pictures with me :( And since you're my mentor, Mrs. Hechlik, I don't have to worry much about it.

    Unless I have to give you a formal invitation and what not. Do I?

  5. Yes, give me an invitation and YES you will have to dress professionally.
